The world lies on the brink of disaster. National treasures of celebrity culture reveal their true faces -- demons, sent to destroy our world. As humanity is enslaved, only one man can save us: Shaq Fei Hung. A poor Chinese orphan, trained by a martial arts master, must face his destiny and unleash the power of the sacred Gold Bond. Our hero must leave the safety of his small village home in rural China and travel to the most sordid and perilous corners of the West to fight evil on its home turf.
• Battle demonic forces as basketball legend Shaquille O’Neal
• Classic side-scrolling, beat ‘em up action at its best
• Exclusive new rap track from the Big Diesel himself
• Topple the evil hordes with earth shattering power moves
• Transform into a diesel-powered mech suit and take out enemies like a rumbling, exhaust spewing, mechanical BOSS!
• Mutate into a giant cactus and destroy your enemies with flying needles
• Boss battles that will make your eyes water
世界坐落在灾难的边缘。名人文化的国宝透露自己的真实面孔 - 恶魔,被送毁坏我们的世界。当人类被奴役,只有一个人能救我们,沙克费·亨。一个贫穷的中国孤儿,由一个武林高手的训练,必须面对自己的命运,并释放出神圣的黄金债券的权力。我们的主人公必须离开他的小村家的安全在中国农村和前往约旦河最肮脏和危险的角落,以争取在其本土邪恶。